Welcome from Albie Derbyshire
& All the Team in Online Marketing Academy



Earning Online 


What Skills Will Help You 
Finally Start Earning Consistently?









   Getting Started. Having a......................
GREAT affiliate business that pays well...

  Skill #1. Promoting and advertising......
at the right PLACES.

  Skill #2. Advertising the right THING.....
to start getting rusults.

  Skill #3. Building a HUGE list................

  Skill #4. Turning subscribers................
into buyers: The SECRET.

We will be teaching you about how all these skills work
through story form.
Then we will give you the guidelines,
where to find the right tools and the links to really begin
implementing them for yourself. 

You will notice a red star 

    in special areas dealing with each of these main skills
 described above. These will be scattered throughout the story. 

You will also see a KEY 

where the KEY TAKE-AWAY and correlation between
the story and having success working online is explained. 

The story will help you understand and remember 
what we are explaining, so don't skip the storyline!


As you learn about each skill and the secret of how to implement them and
actually start DOING THE WORK, and you will begin to start earning.
 Practice makes perfect and you will see earnings starting to become consistent.

Of course, we can't guarantee earnings as we don't know your
work ethic or many other things that may affect your results.
*See Disclaimer at the end of this report. 



Part 1: Starting your business: The Archway Portal.

Part 2: How To Get Off Track: Up The Mountain Stream.

Part 3: Seeing Through the Facade: The Girl at the Ruins.

Starting Your Business:
The Archway Portal


Okay, let's have fun and begin!

Starting Your Business:
The Archway Portal


Obviously, Robin didn't understand the FORMULA for making money online.
As you can see, Robin was working for three weeks trying to
make money online and hadn't made a dime.
This formula is exactly what we want to share with you now: 



This is the formula: 



Earning Online is like planting a field: 
You need to plant a LOT of seeds. 
Then you need to take care, water
and protect your seeds. 


Online we call these "seeds" your subscribers.
Taking care or "watering your seeds" is building 
a personal relationship with your subscribers 
through your emails and helping them. 

Practically to do this, you need to implement the 5 Critical Skills:

Have a good program that earns well
an ad page (capture page) that converts well when you 
it and gives you subscribers 
(people who give their name and 
email to find
more about what you're doing).

Then you need good emails that communicate effectively
to these people who are on your mailing list.
 These emails must build a bridge for your subscribers to get
to know you and trust you and then a percentage of
your email list will convert into buyers consistently. 

Lastly, you need to earn the trust they give
and give something of real value back or they will
eventually, stop trusting and buying from you.


We have automated systems already in place that are 
already set up to help you. As you get better and better 
at earning online, our training will help you understand 
each facet of this so you can edit each slightly and 
make it more effective. 

That's why we're here! Not only will we help you to 
learn the right things through this story and through 
the trainings here, but we want to help you 1:1 to
grow, learn and EARN. Test us out by emailing us! We're 
here for you personally:

Email us at: 



Robin was really tired out and had decided to go to bed. Upon
getting in bed he soon fell asleep. His dream seemed very real and throughout the dream
he couldn't help feeling like it was actually happening!

One of the ads Robin had been clicking on for advertising
credits earlier had an archway in it and suddenly he found
himself walking towards it in his dream. 


We start our story with Robin working for weeks on end
with very little results. The reason for bad results over 
a good space of time is either a bad affiliate business
or bad training or both. 

Having a good affiliate business
that's been in business a long time, that pays on time,
where you can earn the largest percentage of profit
and that
has good quality tools to help you succeed,
 is what
we want to share with you.

Quick summary of a good
affiliate business:

1. Been in business a long time.
2. Pays on time......................................
3. Highest percentage of profit possible.
4. Good quality tools.

When we first started working online, we started with
various affiliate businesses that didn't teach real marketing
skills, didn't really pay, or didn't have good marketing tools and eventually,
they went out of business. Basically, it was a huge waste of time.

We want to help you AVOID this disasterous beginning!


Reality seemed to have fallen away (or maybe he was dreaming)
and all Robin had seen was this 
large stone archway before him!
The odd thing is he had never been here before.
How he had got here was a complete mystery. 

Despite all that, Robin had walked through

the mist, up to the archway.

Over the entrance of the Archway,
had been an inscription: "Know Thyself". 

The strange thing was that as he looked through it, he could see
giant snow-covered mountains beyond, covered in fog and mist. 

Robin had felt this was very strange as there was no fog or mist anywhere else.
As he walked through it, the world changed as if he had
 been moving through a portal!

Here's a fun video of a portal. Enjoy!



Your First Right Move


Your First Mistake

With Your Online Business.

Most people start their business by perhaps trying to talk to all their friends
about it and then after talking to everyone, they then try Facebook or 
some other social media
, hoping that their friends online will
show some interest and if not their friends, maybe people 
in the "make money groups" online. When they don't 
seem to get anywhere with this strategy either,
they begin to lose hope.  

Sooner or later they may come across a business training that
encourages using safelists and mailers. They then find their
"affiliate link" and actively go 
out and start to advertise it.

This seems like a good place to start, however,

if you don't get results with these methods of advertising,
most people then give up saying: "that business just didn't work." 



However, a better place to start would be to remember 
the formula we started out with at the beginning: 

"Plant the seed" (get subscribers)

2. Water the seeds" (build a relationship with subscribers)

So how do we do that?

have a huge selection of 

pre-made affiliate ad pages (capture pages) that you can use,
 that not only have worked in the past but that give you a chance
to start seeing conversions happen. 

Then after giving you advertising sites that we have tracked and
proven to get results, you can begin advertising. if you don't get
results with one ad page, you have many more ad pages to
use and find one that delivers subscribers

We also want to help make 
sure you are advertising at the right
places and help you to be able to analyze and
track your results correctly! 


Starting On the Right Foot! 

When you start out learning how to earn on the internet, 
all seems rosy and bright. Everything looks like it's going 
to be an easy ride without many bumps. But in life, anytime
you want to learn a new skill or do something different,
this means change and change means
that unexpected things might happen.

You may have tried earning
online in the past and understand what I'm talking about. It's kind of 
like playing a video game and thinking how easy it will be to win but then 
the reality of it sinks in as you have to replay levels over and over a
again just to win that level.
 It's the same with earning online. 
You honestly will NOT get to the next level UNLESS you really dig 
in and learn 5 Critical Marketing Skills that we're going to explain to 
you as we go along.

Just like you have to really dig in and replay the 
same level over and over again till you beat it, don't forget that this
is EXACTLY how it will be here. Don't fall for the sales pitches that 
tell you "it will be easy" and "you won't have to do anything to succeed".

When was life ever like that in the past? If you want something of value, you
have to simply put in the work, save up for the tools
you need and learn the skills.
 That's reality.
So get ready, and let's continue!


 After walking through the portal, a stone path had lead Robin
up to the foot hills 
and he was stunned to see this whole new
world that he'd never seen before
, spread out before him!

 As he had walked through, his eyes had been opened with amazement.
The world had suddenly seemed completely altered. Huge mountains
had appeared out of nowhere with snow and running rivers! He had wondered
again how he had got here. The last thing he had known,
he had been asleep in his bed at home!

As Robin walked up the trail surrounded by beautiful mountains,
he thought about his home and his wife and family.

He had been an teacher for twenty years.

However, a month ago, his business lost funding, and he

had found himself out of a job.

Having earned three months paid vacation,
he had used this as a way 
to find his next source of income. 
He had saved up some money and had decided earlier that
he was tired of teaching
 and wanted to do something different.
In fact, he wanted to change his life completely. Sure, he 
still liked teaching children but after all, it had been twenty years
and he wanted to do something new.

He knew that internet marketing sounded good as he could take
it with him and travel anywhere in the world and still have work. He could
imagine him and his wife working on the beach in some beautiful place.

So that was what he had decided to do and he took what savings he had left.
He then focused on working hard to make the dream happen.


Now take a few minutes and understand YOUR WHY!

"Your WHY"

You must have a big reason

“why” you are doing this business.

Explain to your sponsor a big reason “why” you are doing this business.
Make it bigger than just making extra income.
If it’s just about extra income, you should be able to find a job that will
be far easier to create that extra money you need. 

If your “why” does not really effect you emotionally (we like to say if it doesn’t make you cry)
then it may not be a big enough reason to motivate you to create the financial leverage that it takes.
You will be needing to motivate others and this requires passion and skill. 
Think about this: One can spend four years going to college and not even be able to make
six figures a year.
 With this opportunity, you have the chance to spend less time studying,
learning, and building your business and have the opportunity to
create a six-figure income or more.
Albie’s “why” as an example:
My “why” is that I want to be able to free up my wife from working, and so that we can travel
the world and take our business with us. I don't want to be locked into having to be in any one
particular place except that it has an internet connection. I went to be able to have
enough money to retire with and give to my children.
That dream has helped me weather years of only making a little money here
and there until I finally figured out how to make consistent income online.
And we will show this to you also.

To Do:
Now take a little time to identify your dream and your “why” to yourself and
then to write them down and share them with your sponsor. 🙂 

Make sure you copy and keep your “Why” somewhere
where you can see it often. When you wake up, remember
what you are aiming at and steer towards it every day.
If you forget, your mind will steer itself somewhere else


Having a "Big Why" is important for success.

Why? Because if you don't, then you won't be
willing to go through the pain that most 
certainly will come and that will test your resolve.

It honestly takes time to learn, practice and 
begin to master marketing skills before you will 
see consistent results.

It's just like anything.

Before you become an electrician, you 
have to take the time it takes to learn the skills.
I mean, you don't want to get electrocuted do you?

And it's even more important and takes more 
time for a doctor. And if you want something to CHANGE 
YOUR LIFE, you're going to need real-time for you to learn
these skills. I mean, if it was easy, then everyone would of 
already been doing it, right?

Watch this short video for important thoughts between the story
and working your business online.


As often happens, once you join a new business, everything seems 
strange, new and different. It's a whole new world of things you have to 
learn and understand. It can also be challenging because you're wondering
if you're going to be able to handle it all and to succeed doing it.

The fear at the back of your mind that you might try and fail,
is under the surface. However, this fear is usually ungrounded because
most people can do whatever it is they need to do to succeed if they just give
themselves enough time
to learn it.

It should also be understood that most people don't fail because of one big mistake.
Failure comes because people don't do the simple easy things that have to be done
and accomplished each day. It's "easy to do" but also "easy NOT to do."

Even if you're working "full time on your job and part time on your future",
you have to make sure you actually put in the extra "part time" (whatever time
that actually is to you) that it takes!

So if you're willing to just learn something new in your business each day and work
consistently on it five days out of the week, then there's a high chance you will learn
what you need to succeed. But as easy as it is to work a little on your business each day
it's also as easy NOT to
. And this is the trap you want to watch out for!


Up the Mountain Stream

All the time that he's walking, Robin had been reflecting on his life and 
all the work that he had been doing the last few months.

He had kept wondering how he could turn this
business into something that would seriously provide for his family.

The odd thing was that this strange world (or dream) had (up to this point)
given him the time he had been needing to process all the work and 
projects that he had been doing online.

For instance, he remembered having first started
his internet business. 
He had looked into promoting
a free business online.

In the process of having tried to advertise it on Craigslist,
he had been surprised to get a new subscriber almost immediately!
His new subscriber's name had been Jennifer.

He had remembered being excited about it and had decided to call
his new lead. After having talked with Jennifer for a few minutes,
she seemed to like the sound of his business. But then she had told him
about a very 
“lucrative business” that she was in where she had been able
to go full-time working 
with it in just a short time. His first thought had been
'why she needed to subscribe to his business if she had her own?'

However, the more he talked with her about her business, the more excited
he became about the money he could make.
 Her business had seemed to make
a lot more than his, and it had made him think. She also had sounded friendly enough, 

so right after the call, he remembered having decided to take the risk and paid the $250 for a
membership with her program. He 
knew that she would be like a mentor
to help show him the ropes, so at the time it had seemed like a great idea. 

However, now as he thought back on it all, and the weeks he had spent on
it without anything happening at all, had made him think twice about his decision.

Again Robin thought back. For the first two weeks, he worked
diligently getting everything set up and advertising his affiliate link everywhere
he could think of (but no sales came in). This drove him to call Jennifer
and ask her what she had done differently. Her answer wasn’t too much different
than what he had been doing. Nevertheless, he tried to do exactly what she said.
That didn’t really help either and eventually, he gave it up.

But then he realized, she HAD been doing something different than him.
Why exactly had she needed to subscribe to his business? He then realized
that she was 
probably actively subscribing to other businesses just 
to turn them into leads for herself. He didn't like her approach.
He wouldn't want to do to others what she had done to him.
If this is what he had to do to have success, then count him out.

He then realized her "success story" had probably just been
a trick to get him to signup. It's too bad, he thought,
that there were people in the world that would lie and do
that to you. But for sure, he would not join those people.
After an hour of walking and thinking about it all,
he had come to a stream flowing down the mountain.

He had nevertheless, continued to follow the river slowly upward.

As Robin's walking up the path and jumping over rocks to cross
the river in various places, he suddenly came to the end of the path.

must now forge his own path forward up the stream.


Deciding on what business to start can actually take a long time. Many
millionaires actually started many businesses and failed at most of them
until they finally got it right!

As for me, I tried out over 40 different businesses. From 2012 till 2018, I had only
mediocre results with all of them. It wasn't until I learned the correct
marketing skills from 2018 - 2019 that I began to really succeed.

Please understand that's usually NOT the business that is
poor, it's your marketing skills.

The important take away from this
is that if you have the right skills, you can do great with
almost any business. 


You're probably wondering what these skills are. Well, we will begin
to share these with you as we continue. 

Also you need to understand that
Your business is a total tax write-off! That means that 
whatever you spend on it, can be completely written off on 
your taxes! In fact, there's SO MUCH more that can
be written off as well.

Every time you drive somewhere and share your business
with someone along the way or do something business related, the expense incurred
can be written off (milage or gas). Every time you go out to eat and share your business
with someone or do something business related can be written off as well
(food expense etc)! And I haven't even got started!

Just keep in mind that we're not a professional tax authority, so
you will need to consult your tax expert before you
implement any of these ideas. 



 As Robin's hiking up the river, his mind wanders off into a daydream: He wonders
if someone one day will read about this strange adventure he's having!

Robin had stumbled along trying to move upstream without a path.
Soon he had found himself cut up by thorns and thistles along the
path and bruised 
by tripping on rocks and stones in the river.
This causes his clothes and shoes to get holes and become wet.
But he hadn't given up.

He then thought more about his business to take his mind off things:

Having hit a "wall" with his online business had caused him
to become a little worried.
 So he had upgraded to the
next level of this business hoping that the higher level and tools
would bring him more success. Instead, it brought him an additional two weeks
of hard work trying to get them set up! Yet with all this extra work,
there was no difference in sales. 

Now he was desperate and began searching online everywhere
for a business that would work. In the next few days, he upgraded
for $100 for another program and also joined a $10 a month
program too just as a backup.

The first new business involved finding Key words online and making his fortune
with this. Yet the longer he studied it, the more complex it became and
the deeper and more extensive he realized his skills needed to become.

He just needed to make money as easily and quickly as possible.
So he set the other business aside for a bit and looked into the $10 business.
It didn't look as complicated. 


Water travels downhill and by the easiest route. And this 
is what I did for years. You can see in the story how
difficult the idea of learning Keywords and SEO
(Search Engine Optimization) suddenly became. 

Trying to find the easiest method to make money
online seemed to be the better path. But in the end, it wasn't.

In this search for an "easy-to-do business", 
 joined over 40 different opportunities over five years trying to find
something that worked. Eventually when I kept coming up with $0's,
I knew something had to change.

I finally realized that if I wanted to succeed, I would need to stop
paying for business opportunities and start learning 
some real marketing skills!


So Robin worked on the $10 business (which he thought
a lot more promise and was ten times easier). Soon he found himself telling
his friends about it and making 
a few sales over the next week. But after going
through all his friends interested 
in business, and exhausting them all,
he tried advertising online.

Here he got a few sales as well 
and this was encouraging.
He figured he needed to only be able to get 10 sales 
a day and he
would be set.
But even though he put large sums of money into advertising, 

he could only get a few more sales. Since he was spending more
than he was earning, 
he realized this wouldn’t work either.
So his desperation set in again.

And the same desperation was happening on this
"endless trail" up the river too!


In time, his adventure upstream had brought Robin across a young
warrior standing in the water. His shoes had been off and
he had been wading 
in the cool stream. Robin had felt jealous
because it had looked so relaxing! And here he was so hot 
and irritated from the hard treck up the river!

The warrior had been looking into the water half mesmerized.
As the warrior's eyes meet 
his, Robin reached out to
him with a short "hello!"  The warrior had promptly waved back to

Robin but had said nothing.

"May I ask what brings you here?" Robin had asked curiously.

He had looked at Robin for a minute thinking
and then suddenly said:

"I found this strange archway on my adventure.
I've never seen it there before!" He had exclaimed.

"The same happened to me too!" Robin replied. 

"I work for the king but despite my duties, I was intrigued by it and went in."
the warrior said. "I then realized I could not get back out and panicked.
Eventually, as the day wore on, I decided there was not much more I could
do but continue forward, so I did and finally got lost and tired and
decided to rest here 
at this rock in the stream."

It all sounded too familiar to Robin. The warrior
 then stopped talking as if he had recited

all the exciting things in his life and realized he had nothing
more to say.

"I see!" Robin had responded, intrigued.
"Would you like to walk together?" Robin then asked.

For a 
few seconds, the warrior remained silent and 
seemed to be making up his mind. Robin thought to him
that he seemed the very quiet type. Then suddenly he had responded back:

"Very well." he nodded. "My name's Henry. What's your name?"

"Robin", he replied and Robin got up to shake his hand.
So the two of them both got ready and soon
 decided to be on their way.

Seeing Through the Facade &
The Girl at the Ruins 

After having taken a little break to catch their breath, Robin 
and the warrior both had begun to 
walk together up the stream.

Soon the river had left the forest behind and came out into a mountain valley
surrounded by pleasant grassy banks and occasional trees.

As they both continued up the grassy banks of the river,
they had finally come to the ruins 
of an old house made of marble and yellow stone.
It would have been quite 
magnificent in its day but even now
without the roof and some walls, 
it still appeared quite beautiful with its pretty
pillars and art, ornately crafted 
into its doors and walls. 

They both had walked up to the ruins to look inside and had passed under two trees 
on either side of the old ruined mansion. There had also been a bush to the left of the 
trees and they both saw a face looking at them from the flower bushes!
A girl suddenly had spoken
 out to them both: 


The Girl at the Ruins 

The friendly face they had seen was that of a mysterious
young lady, they had seen peering at them 
from the 

"I see you've come!" She had said.

"We've come?" They had both responded, confused. 
"Yes, and I'm so glad. She had answered. "I've been waiting for you."

"What do you mean?" The warrior friend had asked her. 
"Come with me." she had replied and had stepped out of the bushes.
Her dress was as ornate and beautiful as the flower bush and long and flowing.

However, as she walked along, Robin and the warrior noticed that
parts of her body seemed missing. All that had made her 
solid, were colorful leaves
and flower petals held in place by some strange wind
. One minute you had thought she had
black hair and the next minute you could swear it had turned dark brown, 
reddish, or even golden. It had been kind of like she was a ghost with
petals to show where her body 
should be. 


As they had followed her, she had taken them inside the Ruins.
The sun had now almost set and darkness had started to cast 
its shadows over everything. 

Inside the double-arched doorway (that was missing its doors), they had seen
a big room with walls. 
On each side, they had seen the yellow bricks,
except for the wall facing the mountains. 
This wall had been gone.
The roof had also been missing and the evening sun had shone in over

the rock-tiled floor. In the middle of the room had been a beautiful stone podium
with a magnificent buckle clasped book on top of it.

The girl, who Robin and the warrior had only seen
her face and half of her body showing by flower petals, 
 had then pointed to the book. She had opened the palm of her hand
to reveal a key. 
She then gives the key to them! 


 The Book on the Podium

"You're looking for the land of Time and Freedom"
she had suddenly then said. 

"How do you know that?" Both men responded. 

"Why else would you be here?" She answered. 
"I can help you!" 

"You can?" Robin had answered back. But 
how can we trust someone we can barely see? You're
like a ghost, and we can barely believe we are 
even talking to you.
And for all we know, 
you have brought us here to kill us 
or enslave us or who knows what."

"I see." She answered."And you feel the same way?"
She turned and said to Henry. He was quiet for a
few seconds but then said: 

"Yes, it is a little strange to not know who we're
really talking to. And this is a very strange place
and makes me nervous.

"Very well then." She answered and immediately
her form became solid and they could see her hair 
was truly brown. Her body stopped shimmering and 
falling in and out of visibility and she looked at them 
squarely with her blue eyes. "Is this better?"

They both exclaimed and then 

she pointed to the book in the middle of the room.

They then turned and had gone over to it cautiously. With some fear,
they had opened the buckled clasps of the book and entered

the key.

The book had suddenly opened wide with sparks
of light suddenly shooting 
everywhere. The men both had gasped
in amazement 
and the mysterious lady had smiled.


Ever join a business but did not know any of the
people who run it? In short, it's hard to find 
someone you can really trust. 

My personal story is that it took me five years before I 
found someone that I could trust who really could 
help me. For five years, I had been making the mistake 
of trusting the program, instead of trusting myself 
to learn real marketing skills! 

So take the time now to learn the skills: 

With the Prosperity Marketing System

With the Power Lead System,

After you join, make sure to connect 
with your sponsor. If Albie is your Sponsor
then email him here: 


The next part of the adventure continues when you find a strange book
that has strange power
and is the cause for you falling off the edge of the 

I can't wait to continue the story with you!


Continue Back to

Have comments or suggestions? Email us back!

Talk to you soon! 



PS: Here's your free Gift: 

Click here


EliAlbie67@gmail.com   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692